Tuesday, February 18, 2014

freewriting 2-18-14

Reality television shows do not seem very realistic to me.  I think that basically all of them are scripted and are purely for entertainment purposes.  There are a few that might be real, but for the most part, some people need to learn how to be better actors.  Jerry Springer, for instance, can seem real sometimes, but then there will be the one guy that cannot keep a straight face, and then I just feel like the show is fake and that none of the stories are real at all. 

I remember watching MTV and MTV2 when I was younger and I would always watch Rob & Big.  I loved that show and I would watch it every single day.  One day, I decided to watch a finally or something of the sort, and Rob had admitted that their show was entirely scripted and that they would redo scenes constantly to make them as funny as possible.  Learning that the show was fake actually made me not want to watch it anymore.  Yes, Rob and Big are hilarious guys, but it made me not really know what I was watching anymore and it made me feel like everything that I had been watching before was a lie.  I feel like everything that they ever did on the show, they did not really do in real life.  The fact that I thought that they really did those things, was the reason for me watching the show.

I do not know why people crave reality shows, when they could be out making their real life as crazy and dumb as on the show.  I guess that most infamous people would get into a lot of trouble for doing something that a famous person did.  I am always hearing about a famous person getting in trouble for driving drunk, yet only go to jail for a few hours or days, and then can just pay their way out.  People who are not famous usually cannot afford to pay bail money, so I think that is why most people will stick with watching TV.  It is the only logical explanation that I can think of.

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