I feel like this world is just becoming a terrible place as each day goes by. I don't understand how some people can be so cruel to other human beings, or even animals for that matter. As I get older, the only things that I ever notice are the bad things that go on in the world. Everyone always tells me that I need to start watching the news and that I need to be aware of what is going on in the world, but in all honesty, I could really care less, especially these days. Nothing happy is ever on the news, and the only things that I ever hear about are murders, shootings, and some other sorts of life ending/threatening problems. I don't see how anyone even watches the news anymore.
Half of the time I feel like the reason that people commit crimes is because they can either get away with it, or they will go to jail and then be able to get free food and health for the rest of the time that they are there. There was something that I had came across on the internet once, whether it was true or not, I have no clue, but it said that there was a man who had robbed a bank for a dollar JUST so he could enjoy the benefits from being in jail.
Our country is so messed up right now that it is pathetic. People would rather be in jail because they know that they will get free food for the rest of their lives and will not have to work toward anything ever again. It is so ridiculous. The older people that get put in nursing homes get treated worse than the people who go to jail and prison, and I just honestly don't get it at all. It hurts me deeply to see good people get treated badly, and bad people to get treated well.
Honestly, if public hangings, or stoning people to death were still legal, I feel like less people would commit crimes. If they were to commit a crime, they would end up being tortured to death, and nobody in their right mind would want that. These days, people could go on a killing spree and just end up with a slap on the wrist and then thrown in jail. What happened to the days where you would be brutally punished for something like stealing? If people knew what respect was, then maybe our world would be a better place.
The world is certainly not perfect. Think about the space you belong to and how you can make this space a better, good place and pass that ability and inspiration onto others...it will spread. My 102 course is working through a prison sim game right now. They have discovered that most crime is committed simply because it is socially acceptable. This is something to think about and something right along the lines of where your thinking seems to be going. Good thinking post. ~Ms. A.