Wednesday, February 12, 2014

freewriting 2-12-2014

I don’t believe that people who are overweight should be made fun of.  I also don’t think that it is okay for overweight people to make fun of skinny girls and call them disgusting and anorexic, just because they weigh less.
Although I am skinny girl, I get really annoyed when I hear someone calling another person fat.  It is just pure rudeness, and I don’t see how getting called skinny should be a compliment.  In 70 years, not one person, besides for the conceited ones, is going to care about the way anyone looks.  What will matter is the personality that is under the skin. Beauty is not just skin deep. In fact, beauty should not even come from looks.
I think that every single person, good and bad, have something beautiful and unique about them, and it is painful to watch people in this day and age to criticize someone over something as simple as what somebody looks like. The ones who work out, can still be overweight, and just because someone is skinny, that does not mean that they eat healthy or exercise regularly. 
I absolutely hate getting on Facebook and seeing pictures of bigger girls that have quotes like “real men like curves. Only dogs go for bones”.  I don’t understand how bigger women can make fun of the skinnier people, whether they are naturally skinny, or work to get fit.  Especially seeing how I am always seeing and hearing things about how annoying it is to get called fat or chunky and so on.  Hypocrisy is probably my biggest pet peeve, and I think that is why I absolutely despise everything that I have been talking about in this post.
People are ridiculous and really need to stop caring about what other people think. Most people, in fact, actually like the size of their body and have actually accepted that it is partially what makes them who they are.  The only opinion that should matter to anyone is their own personal opinion.  “If you don’t like where you are, move. You are not a tree.”  

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