Tuesday, February 18, 2014

freewriting 2-15-14

Why does warm weather makes people feel happy, yet cold weather makes us feel depressed?  I feel like it is the fact that most people like to be outside and that the vitamins from the sun give us energy, which in turn makes us happy.  In the summer, we get to play in water and run around without shoes and get tan.  In the winter, we have to wear shoes, play in the snow, and run the risk of getting sick from not wearing a coat. 

Staying out late in the winter can get you in a lot of trouble, as in car trouble and getting too cold.  I wish that my car would start when it was negative degrees outside, but I have had times where I would get it started for about literally two seconds, and then it would just die on me.  Unfortunately, this would always happen when I needed to be at work!  I end up calling in to work about once every two weeks in the winter, just because my car will not start when it is ridiculously cold.  All I can say is that I am thankful that I do not live in Antarctica.

In the summer, there are honestly only a few days out of the season where I am unhappy. Nice weather makes me love everything, even on days where I have to work.  I think that college students like the summer because we have the choice of whether or not we will go to college that semester. 

Last summer, I chose to go to summer school. I loved it, but I also felt like my summer was being wasted away because every single day I had to go to work or school, or even both.  I never had a day off and it was terrible, and that’s how I feel this semester.  My first day off of school and work for a month and a half is today.  So I decided that I needed to catch up on all of my homework.

In the summer, I have decided to not go to summer school, or at least not this year.  I have decided that I want to have fun and have multiple days where I can just relax outside or go to the lake whenever I want. 

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