Tuesday, February 18, 2014

freewriting 2-17-14

It is strange that humans get along with some animals.  Dogs and cats, for instance, we let live with us and we just take care of them like we have known them our entire lives. Honestly if you really think about it, it is kind of weird, but yet one hundred percent normal for us.  The fact that most people don’t have conversations with their pets is kind of strange to think about too.  The most we say to them is “are you hungry?”  “Do you want to go outside”  “Good girl!”  “Good boy!”, and so on.  We never, or at least I do not do this; ask my animals how their day went.  How do we know if they want to have a conversation like that?  The only thing that I know that they want to do is to eat, drink, go to the bathroom, and then have me pet them. Some people really get in to having their pets be just like family, especially when it comes to talking to them.  I have seen people treat their animals like they are literally that persons child. They will dress them in baby clothes, carry them in their arms as if they were a baby, make faces at them, and also carry on conversations with them. I have never been one of these people, but I understand why they do it.  They just want their pet to feel loved and secure in their life that they have, but some people just go overboard in my opinion.  I probably sound like I don’t take care of my cats and dogs, but I do, and I love them to death.  I am just not going to be one of the people who have a deep conversation with my dog.  I’ll cuddle with her and pet her and ask her if she is hungry, but I won’t tell her “yeah so at work today I helped this really hilarious lady and she told me jokes and I laughed so hard that I got in trouble.”  That just does not make sense to me.

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