Sunday, February 9, 2014

freewriting 2-8-2014

Something that I have never been too great at is writing papers. I have never understood how to just sit and type something up, or even physically write something, and just keep coming up with more and more ideas.  When I was in high school, I was terrible at writing papers, or at least that is what I thought.  My junior year of high school or so, my English teacher had told me that I really did have a talent for writing.

         I still to this day don’t understand how, but I guess most people don’t realize their strong points.  Most people will notice their weaknesses faster than the things that are really cool about themselves.  I have always wondered why people are so hard on themselves and are always seeing the bad side of things.

         I don’t know if the world has always been this way or if it has just recently become this, but honestly we need to all switch our thinking habits. I for one have usually always been super optimistic about everything and can always find the bright side about every occasion or situation.  Every now and then I will have some off days, but that is one hundred percent normal in my opinion.

The people who are always upset and negative about things are the ones that I worry about.  Depression is becoming a bigger and bigger thing, especially in the United States.  Because of this, suicide rates are going up as well.  All suicide is preventable, and it starts with the person who is contemplating it.  If they are unhappy for any reason, then they need to cut out all of the bad in their life, that way they aren’t ending theirs.

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