Thursday, February 6, 2014

freewriting 2-6-2014

I feel like taking an English class is really important, especially in today’s world where everything consists of just abbreviations and acronyms.  Something that I have always hated was shortening my words while texting or even taking notes for that matter.  I just always feel like I won’t get the full effect when I read back over everything.
When I take notes, I never abbreviate anything. Ever. And unfortunately that slows me down quite a bit, but at the same time I just feel like I am learning a little better than I would have. I would abbreviate things weird in the first place. Onomatopoeia, for example, I would abbreviate as opia…and that will not get me very far unless I specifically remember what I was writing about. Lucky for me, I’ve known how to spell onomatopoeia since I was in the second grade, but who’s keeping track?
 Texting has always been something that I have loved, but at the same time, I absolutely hate it.  I am somewhat of a Grammar Nazi, but only on the things that I know should be a certain way.  If it’s something like a comma, I don’t mind at all.  Commas are weird anyway.  If someone said to me “k. c u then”, I can’t help but correct them and complain until they tell me in the correct form.  Everything also depends on who I am talking to.  I would never say something like that to my dad, especially seeing how he hates texting as it is. 
             Some people just shorten words because they feel like it’s faster.  I feel like it’s faster just to type them out though, that way I can understand everything and read it faster. As long as I understand what the person is saying to me, I guess I can’t complain too much. I am known for saying “lol” and using other acronyms, but those make more sense to me than saying “ur” for “your” or “you’re”.

1 comment:

  1. Words are important to learning for some us. Like you, I seldom abbreviate even when taking quick notes. There is something about writing an idea or a note that makes the meaning stick with me. On several occasions, I have tried to take my to-do lists and calendar appointments electronically. I last about three months, then go back to my trusty organizer. I don't forget things when I write them down, but typing simply does not cut it. I wish all students understood audience in the way that you do. We will work on that. :) ~Ms. A.
