Wednesday, February 5, 2014

freewriting 2-5-2014

This is my first blog for our 4.1 assignment and honestly I don’t know how well it is going to go as of right now. I can never find things to write about seeing how I am so indecisive at times.  I am really excited to see where these freewriting blogs take me for the next few weeks.  Ever since I have learned about Peter Elbow and everything on freewriting, I have actually been a lot calmer when it comes to writing essays and whatnot.  My favorite part is that we aren't supposed to stop typing, until we are done completely.  The hardest part is always finding something to say, but at the same time, my brain goes at a thousand miles an hour on a daily basis.  I’m actually a pretty quiet person and I think that it is caused because of the fact that my brain never slows down and I am constantly thinking. My dreams are even insane. I have actually researched a little bit about why people have really strange dreams, and all I have figured out is that it just depends basically on what the person thinks about during the day.  Dreams are one of the most interesting things to talk and to learn about in my opinion, just because they honestly only make a tiny bit of sense.  They only last for a few minutes, but it seems like hours, and everything going on in the real world always seems to correspond with the dreams.  The other day I had a dream that my head literally imploded, and the reason for it was because I had a massive headache that night.  I think that they’re one of the coolest things, and I am actually really happy that I have the weirdest and most insane dreams out of every single person that I know.  I guess that just means that I am an interesting person.  Also, I think it’s hilarious that I ended up talking about dreams, when I was planning on writing about freewriting.  I guess that just proves that freewriting gives you time to think!

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