Tuesday, February 18, 2014

freewriting 2-16-14

I don’t agree that junk food makes people fat.  I think everything depends on the way that the person was fed when he or she was as child, and also that person’s metabolism.  When I was a kid, I was allowed to eat what I wanted, and also have some nutritional food with it. I was never one of those kids that was forced to only eat healthy food and was taught that junk food was really bad and that I was never allowed to eat it. 

I think that the kids that were taught that junk food is bad go crazy once they are out of the house and then eat only foods that are bad for them. They no longer want to eat anything that is healthy because all the want is to eat something that only tastes good.  Thankfully, since I was able to eat a mix of junk food and healthy food, I know that I am not going to go crazy and only eat junk food the second that I am away from my parents. In fact, I actually eat pretty healthy as of today. I eat chips and drink soda every now and then, but for the most part, I want to eat healthy, and do.  On the days that I do not eat healthy, I work out.  So it’s like a happy medium for me.

I am still skinny as of today.  In fact, all of the kids that I grew up with that ate junk food when we were younger, are still skinny today. I think it is because our bodies are used to having the junk food in us. I am not saying that is a good thing, I am just stating that I think that our bodies are used to it, so that’s why it has kept us skinny.

The people that I grew up with that were not allowed to eat junk food have gained weight.  Some of them have gained only a little, and some of them have gained a lot.  And this is where I said that I think everything depends on what the kid ate when they were little.  If my friends that ate healthy all the time were allowed to eat Pringles a few days out of the week, then I think that would have helped them with their weight. 

Once college comes around, people only eat what they can get or afford.  Unfortunately, that means McDonald’s and ramen noodles for the most of us.  Both of these are not healthy, but like I said, the people who are used to eating this way, aren’t going to have much changes in their bodies, unlike the ones who are used to having only healthy food.

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