Sunday, February 23, 2014

freewriting 2-23-14

Cats are weird.  I have two of them and they are one of the most psychotic and hilarious animals to ever have, and I can't understand how so many people hate them. Ever since I was younger I have always loved how hyper and jumpy cats are.  The ones that I have now are constantly chasing each other around the house and literally body slamming one another.

When cats are hungry, they almost always play it off as if they want attention and that they love you more than anything in the world.  My cat Cali will sit on the bathroom counter as I am getting ready for school or work and she will literally climb my shirt and sit on my shoulder like a parrot.  The second I go to grab her food that way she can eat, she leaves me and will not come see me until she wants a nap.

Cats act like they have it so easy in life.  All they do is play, eat, drink, go to the bathroom, and sleep.  Maybe the reason everyone claims that they hate cats is because they are secretly jealous of the lives that they have.  Everyone that I have ever talked to always says that they wish they could be a cat if they could trade places with an animal.  Why though?  Some people don't stop to think that there are millions of cats out there, and some of which, are stray cats that fight to survive in the world.  I am obviously going to assume that everyone would trade places with a cat that has a nice home filled with people that love it, but still, some people don't think hard enough when they go to answer little questions.

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